Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Kumpulan Kartunis Independen challenges 'phantom cartoonists' to a debate

We are very concern that of late, there seem to emerge more and more political cartoons produced in booklet form and distributed in public places such as mosques and schools.

The content of these cartoons are merely but personal attack on Pakatan Rakyat and Bersih leaders.  While respecting the right and freedom of cartoonists, we strongly maintain that cartoonists must be responsible of their drawings and the content of their work.

We also found out that in the said cartoons, the cartoonists concealed and covered their identities by not signing or putting up their names onto the artworks. By doing this, the cartoonists demonstrate immoral, unethical and irresponsible attitude, including damaging their reputation as artists.

The universally recognized moral code of ethics for cartoonists are that they must put their names in the form of signatures to show that they really know what they are drawing, that they will be responsible to the messages and they are prepared to take any imminent risk on the drawings.

The actions of these “phantom cartoonists” are a shame and a disgrace to the Malaysian cartoonists in general and thus must be stopped.

We also found that all the messages in the said cartoons are supporting Barisan Nasional, the party that practices corruptions as proven in the NFC scandal and the Scorpene’s case.

Thus, we would like to challenge all the cartoonists to be artists with dignity by coming forward to identify their identities. We also challenge the cartoonists to make an open statement whether they support the corrupt political party as portrayed in their cartoons.  
We would also like to challenge the cartoonists for an open debate with our members about the ideologies and ethics of cartooning, and we are prepared to take them on anywhere at any time.
Zulkiflee SM Anwarul Haque (Zunar)
Leader of Kumpulan Kartunis Independen
 Also signed by, cartoonists:
1. Nor Azlin Ngah (Jonos)
2. Azmie Md Taha
3. Johnny Ong
5. Azman Md Noh (AMN)
6. Mohd Afendi Ramli (Ronasina)
7. Abdullah Jones
8. Amier Hamzah Hashim (Ibnukaduk)
9. Azhar Saad (Art)
10. Azlan Isa (Orang2)
11. Sham Saimun Ezil (Along)
12. Lili Zam (Haili)

Kumpulan Kartunis Independen (KKI) is an independent group of cartoonists that advocates the cartoonists’ rights with responsible value.

We also oppose to corruption.

Own up, ethics-breaching 'ghost cartoonists' told

Tuesday, 24 April 2012 06.49
Malaysia hronicle

Several cartoonists have taken to task those behind leaflets containing derogatory caricatures of leaders from Pakatan Rakyat and electoral reforms coalition Bersih for hiding behind a shield of anonymity in aiding Barisan Nasional's agenda.
Calling such artists as 'phantom cartoonists', 13 local cartoonists from Kumpulan Kartunis Independen have urged the anonymous cartoonists to abide by "universally recognized moral code of ethics for cartoonists" by taking responsibility of their works.
"The universally recognized moral code of ethics for cartoonists are that they must put their names in the form of signatures to show that they really know what they are drawing, that they will be responsible to the messages and they are prepared to take any imminent risk on the drawings.
"The actions of these phantom cartoonists are a shame and a disgrace to the Malaysian cartoonists in general and thus must be stopped," said KKI leader Zulkiflee Anwarul Haque, or Zunar in a statement to Harakahdaily.
Twelve others who signed the statement include Nor Azlin Ngah (Jonos), Azmie Md Taha, Johnny Ong, Azman Md Noh (AMN), Mohd Afendi Ramli (Ronasina), Abdullah Jones, Amier Hamzah Hashim, (Ibnukaduk), Azhar Saad (Art), Azlan Isa (Orang2), Sham Saimun Ezil (Along) and Lili Zam (Haili).
-Their response comes in the wake of several incidents of booklets containing sexually-explicit cartoons attacking PR leaders being distributed in public places, including mosques and schools.
"The content of these cartoons are merely but personal attack on Pakatan Rakyat and Bersih leaders. While respecting the right and freedom of cartoonists, we strongly maintain that cartoonists must be responsible of their drawings and the content of their work," the statement added.
Challenging the 'phantom cartoonists' to reveal themselves and state their political stance in public, KKI also invited those involved to an open debate on the ethics of cartooning.
"We are prepared to take them on anywhere at any time," they said.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Kumpulan Kartunis Independen cabar "kartunis hantu" berdebat

Zunar | Apr 23, 2012 03:24:58 pm 
From :  Merdeka Review

SEJAK akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak muncul kartun-kartun yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk risalah dan diedarkan di tempat-tempat awam seperti di masjid dan di sekolah-sekolah.

Kandungan di dalam kartun-kartun ini menyerang peribadi pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin BERSIH.

Sementara kami menghormati hak setiap kartunis untuk bebas berkarya, kami juga berpendirian bahawa setiap kartunis mestilah bertanggungjawab terhadap setiap mesej yang mereka terapkan dalam karya-karya mereka.

Tetapi didapati di dalam karya-karya tersebut, kartunis-kartunis berkenaan menyembunyikan identiti dengan tidak menandatangani atau meletakkan nama mereka di dalam lukisan tersebut.

Dengan bersikap begini, kartunis-kartunis berkenaan mempamerkan sikap tidak bermoral, tidak bertanggungjawab, perlecehan etika serta merendahkan martabat mereka sebagai seorang artis.

Etika kartunis ialah bagi setiap karya mesti ditandatangani atau diletakkan tanda pengenalan sebagai membuktikan kartunis benar-benar tahu apa yang dilukis, bertanggungjawab terhadap mesej dan bersiap menghadapi risiko atas lukisan tersebut sekiranya berbangkit.

Kartunis-kartunis hantu ini mencemarkan nama baik kartunis Malaysia dan ia perlu dihentikan.  Kami dapati juga semua kartun-kartun tersebut menyokong Barisan Nasional yang mengamalkan budaya rasuah seperti dalam kes NFC dan Scorpene, misalnya.

Sehubungan itu, kami mencabar kartunis-kartunis ini supaya mengambil pendekatan bermoral dan tampil memperkenalkan diri serta indentiti mereka.

Kami juga ingin mencabar kartunis-kartunis tersebut supaya membuat kenyataan terbuka apakah mereka mempertahankan idealisme menyokong rasuah yang mereka terapkan dalam karya-karya mereka.

Kami juga mencabar kartunis-tersebut supaya berdebat dengan ahli-ahli Kumpulan Kartunis Independen mengenai idealogi dan etika melukis kartun politik di mana dan bila-bila masa jua.

*Zulkiflee SM Anwarul Haque (Zunar, gambar kanan) selaku pemimpin Kumpulan Kartunis Independen.  Turut menandatangani, kartunis-kartunis:

1. Nor Azlin Ngah (Jonos)
2. Azmie Md Taha
3. Johnny Ong
4. Azman Md Noh (AMN)
5. Mohd Afendi Ramli (Ronasina)
6. Abdullah Jones
7. Amier Hamzah Hashim (Ibnukaduk)
8. Azhar Saad (Art)
9. Azlan Isa (Orang2)
10. Sham Saimun Ezil (Along)
11. Lili Zam (Haili)

**Kumpulan Kartunis Independen (KKI) adalah sebuah kumpulan kartunis yang mempertahan hak kartunis berkarya dan kepentingan kartunis untuk berkarya secara bertanggungjawab.  Kami juga menolak budaya rasuah.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Family day event with yellow apron + zunar gang at Malaysia Islam International University

Waiting for the others to reach.

Yeaaa...BERSIH 3.0 , I AM READY !

Yorr.. childish Jonos.

So fast got food to eat already. yahoo.

Preparing to start.... BBQ !!!

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Got nasi lemak, karipap, kuih, roti canai and etc.

What is this little cutie watching at?

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Preparing for the game, BERSIH 3.1 VS BERSIH 3.2

Playing win, lose or draw ~!

You can make it! Go Go Go!

score 2 marks. yahooo.

Team of BERSIH 3.2

Faster guess, 45 seconds only !

What is Paul drawing?

Everyone paying attention.

Can you guess the answer for this drawing ?? ..... Kereta Lembu Sharizat. We got it correct. UNBELIEVABLE right?

BBQ started.


Nice ? Taste good?

Fruit time.

Wow! 2 guitar player.

Enjoying .. sun bathing? haha!

Rehearsing for the performance later . ABU ABU !!

*saliva dripping

Walaoo~ so many good foods to eat today.

Pop star performing ABU song.

Yorrr.. so many cameras. SYOK ! haha!


Little cutie so cute ~! *daughter of cartoonist Azman

So many yellow manssss.

Cleaning up the place. Got to go.

I am very strong ~! hehe!

Remaining foods give away to everyone.

Zunar : Who still don't get it !!

Gonna leave, hope to have such family gathering again with you guys. Have fun today !!!!

Time to say bye-bye Yellow apron + zunar gang !! SEE YOU GUYS again !!!

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