Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Zunar lets out a 'moo' in latest work

26 Rabi'ul Akhir 1433 H | 20 March 2012
From : HarakahDaily/en

Reference : http://en.harakah.net.my/index.php/berita-utama/4613-zunar-lets-out-a-moo-in-latest-work.html

Mar 20: Political cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, or Zunar, is set to introduce his latest cartoon compilation this weekend, and its title this time is inspired by none other than the National Feedlot Corporation scandal involving the family of Wanita UMNO chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

To be launched by Lembah Pantai member of parliament Nurul Izzah Anwar at the Amcorp Mall in Petaling Jaya this Sunday at 2.00pm, 1 Moolaysia is packed with 104 fully coloured pages and features cartoons published by various media as well as some unpublished works.

Announcing his latest release, Zunar explained that many of the cartoons had not been highlighted by local political cartoonists. Besides showing the funnier side of such serious issues as the NFC saga, the Altantuya murder trial, misuse of public funds, racism and police brutality, Zunar has not missed his other favourite themes.

“It also features latest cartoons about the First Lady's shopping in Perth,” he quipped, referring to the controversy sparked by an Australian blogger’s revelation that the prime minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor had gone on yet another shopping spree last year.

Zunar however told Harakahdaily that the odds were still stacked against him.
“Since the pressure from the government continues, it is hard for me to find printers to print and vendors to sell my book openly. Some printers and vendors were told that they will lose their operating licences if they continue to print or sell my book(s),” he said.
Zunar’s previous works include Even My Pen Has a Stand (2011), Cartoon-O-Phobia (2010), and Cartoons On Tun… (2005).

His 1 Funny Malaysia, published in 2009, was banned on the grounds that the contents are "detrimental to public order", while Cartoon-O-Phobia landed him in a police probe under the Sedition Act, just hours before its launching on September 24, 2010.

Last year, the High Court rejected his challenge on the government’s banning of 1Funny Malaysia, in a judgment which Zunar described was "comical”.

Zunar’s other legal challenge against the government over his arrest for sedition is currently underway.

“No matter what the results may be, it will not derail my spirit to continue drawing cartoons.  I will fight until the last drop of my ink,” he stressed, adding that "if you cannot beat them, laugh at them!"

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